Hey SHIELDS People,

I was doing some research the other day in the attachment industry and I stumbled upon something that caught my eye. It was a website that stated they sold OUR windshields, by name. I had never heard of the company before and that was concerning. I did a little more digging. The website resembled one of our authorized distributors, Skid Steer Solutions. We have worked with them for many years now it this was not their website.

After reaching out to Skid Steer Solutions and digging further into the website, we determined this is a Fraudulent website! AttachmentYard . com – is NOT an authorized dealer of SHIELDS Windshields. They are scamming people using our name and other respectable brands in the attachment and skid steer industry. All of us at SHIELDS do not want to see anyone getting scammed by this fraud website.  I am gutted to learn that people are doing this to good people and companies.

I hope that sharing this information on all of our platforms we will spread awareness to prevent any scams.

Stay safe out there,


AlyxaKay McKee – Director.